The vine is a complex plant that requires meticulous work punctuated by the seasons.

Gilles Meyer

Culture of the vine

"The only serious thing I know here is the cultivation of the vine."


Cultivating the vine is a délicate art who demands and intimate comprehension of the earth, climate, and natural rythmes. We have to adapt to the seasons and anticipate the vine’s needs by working the earth in a precise and respectful manner.

Pruning is meticulous, palissages and natural treatments are many necessary operations to encourage a healthy and balanced growth for the plant. The attention brought to each step of vine growing guarantees grapes of optimal quality, allowing the wine to reveal the richness of our terroir in each and every bottle. This unique know-how brings together tradition and innovation to produce exceptional wines.


« La Patience is bitter but her fruit is sweet. »


Harvest is a peculiar moment, vibrant and festive in our lives, marking the pinnacle of a year of hard work and patience.

The atmosphere oozes with collective energy where everyone works hard to pick grapes at their peak maturity. Rows of vine enlivened by the whispers of conversations and the click of the shears. Baskets filled with ripe grapes.

Conviviality is in order, with breaks shared around a meal and glasses of wine. Harvest celebrates the unity of those who work together to honor what nature took time to create.

Vinification methods

« Happiness is harmony between who we are and what we do. »


The art of wine making is a meticulous process that turns grapes into wine. It all starts with a precise selection of the grapes at their peak, hand picked to preserve their quality.

Next, the grapes are pressed to extract their juices, followed by the fermentation, where aromas begin to develop.

The fermentation methods are variable depending on the wine, with differences in the use of the grapes skins for red wine and the white wine. After fermentation the wine is aged in vat or in cask to refine its aromas and structure.

Finally, the wine is filtered and bottled, ready to be tasted. Every step demands the upmost care and a deep comprehension of the grape and its potential to create wines of character and distinction.

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